English Language Arts Resources


Reading Comprehension:

CONNECT: What do you already know about?   What does this story remind you of? 

PREDICT: What might happen next?   What do you know that makes you think that?   Use clues from the story and from your life to make reasonable predictions.

PICTURE: Can you see a picture in your mind of what's happening in the story?

QUESTION: Is what I'm reading making sense?   If not, you may need to go back and re-read.

SUMMARIZE: Tell a family member, your pet, or a friend about what you've read.   Remember to include the characters, setting, action, and any problem/solution.

EVALUATE: What do YOU think about what you've read?  What's your opinion?


Reading Fluency:

Record yourself reading out loud.    Did you have a good expression?   Does it sound boring?   Did you read at a just right speed?   Did you chunk words? Did you pay attention to punctuation?


*Keep a daily/nightly journal or diary.

-Your IDEAS are the most important part of writing.

-Use graphic organizers to be sure you include all of the details you want to add.

-Record your ideas.

-Once you are finished writing, put it away for a day or two.   Then look it over for spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors.  


Online READING Resources:


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